March 16, 2016

Bachelor programmes

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

1.   Economics and Management

The BSc study programme Economics and Management is designed for prospective students desiring to acquire undergraduate university education as economists and managers in an English speaking environment. Graduates of this programme will acquire standard theoretical knowledge in the areas of general economics and management theory, as well as in agricultural economics, enterprise economics, finance, financing, accounting and management. They will learn to understand concepts and methods that correspond with job requirements for executive positions in production, services, commerce, public administration, finance and insurance sectors. They will also acquire basic knowledge of the fundamentals of law, fundamentals of statistics, operation research and informatics. Their knowledge will be enhanced with the fundamentals of animal production, fundamentals of psychology, political science, sociology and philosophy. Graduates will be qualified for employment at various posts in management, trade, accountancy, banking, in private firms and state institutions. The diverse nature of agribusiness sector also provides many career opportunities. Graduates are well prepared for the follow up MSc programme “Economics and Management”. Erasmus exchange students at BSc level can enrol for one or two semesters.

2.   Business Administration

The BSc study programme of Business Administration is designed for prospective students desiring to acquire undergraduate university education in an English speaking environment. Graduates of this programme will have acquired standard theoretical knowledge in the areas of general economics and management theory, as well as in commercial and civil law, accounting, psychology and ethics in business, politics, business economics, investment and financing.

The study programme prepares students for a career in business activities where they can apply their training in economics and management. Graduates will be qualified for employment at various posts in management, trade, accountancy, banking, in private firms and state institutions. They will be well versed in market environment and in the administration and management of all types of business. Graduates are well qualified to work both at home and abroad in local and regional government administration or organisations, as well as in private enterprise.

They will learn to understand concepts and methods that correspond with job requirements for positions in administration, management, commerce and marketing. The diverse nature of agribusiness sector also provides many career opportunities. Graduates can progress the follow up MSc programmes.

The study programme is taught entirely in English. Faculty of Economics of CULS Prague cooperates with leading European universities, such as University College Cork, Wageningen University, Newcastle University, Humboldt University in Berlin, the University of Plymouth, the University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, ISCTE Business School, the University of Guelph, the University of Missouri, Chonnam National University and others. Foreign lecturers from partner universities are involved in organizing and teaching in this programme.

3.   Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

Sustainability is a core issue in our modern world. The bachelor programme “Sustainable Use of Natural Resources” has been designed to meet the needs of students, at undergraduate level, to acquire comprehensive and relevant education in the sphere of sustainability. The study programme delivers both theoretical and practical knowledge of the various aspects of natural resources management and comprises compulsory, compulsory-optional as well as fully optional subjects, in which students acquire basic scientific knowledge about soil, water, atmosphere, plants and animals. Subjects include mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry, geology, zoology and botany. These theoretical subjects are interlinked with practical subjects, such as pedology (soil studies), meteorology (studies of the atmosphere and the weather), hydrology and hydrogeology (studies of water and its relationship with soil), landscape architecture, grass management, gardening, forestry, genetics, cartography, environmental economy and the EU integration process. Studies are completed by the defence of a BSc Thesis and a Bachelor State Exam. Graduates are well prepared for further studies in the MSc programme “Natural Resources and Environment”. Erasmus exchange students at BSc level can enrol for one or two semesters.

4.   Informatics (IT)

Information technology has become an integral part of modern life. There is an ever increasing demand for qualified IT specialists for enterprises, public and private administration and government agencies. The BSc programme “Informatics” gives prospective students a unique chance of acquiring undergraduate university education and corresponding professional skills for employment in the IT sector. Graduates of this programme are well prepared for more advanced studies in the MSc study programme “System Engineering and Informatics”. LLP Erasmus exchange students at BSc level can enrol for one or two semesters.

Charles University Prague; Faculty of Humanities

1.   Liberal Arts and Humanities

The student is equipped with the fundamentals of philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology, psychology and economics, and also gains a thorough knowledge of one of the world languages including the basics of professional translation. The liberal character of the study makes possible specialization in interrelated theoretical subjects in further postgraduate education, or practical experience in Czech or other European tertiary institutions – for example in non-profit organizations and the public domain, in the media field, public relations or public administration.

University of Economics; Faculty of Business Administration 

1.   Bachelor of Business Administration

The aim of the bachelor degree in Business Administration is to educate analytically and socially responsible minded professionals with a broad economic overview with a focus on corporate management.
The study field is suitable for students with analytical thinking who are interested in the business environment, particularly for those with an emphasis on management and building companies of all sizes and legal forms of ownership, industry and business sectors.

describe the principles of linear algebra, differential and integral calculus, and controls the basic procedures for solving differential equations and linear optimization; – explain basic mathematical and statistical and probabilistic approaches to the analysis of economic data; – characterize the structural elements of market economy and their interaction; – describe the essence of the existence of organizational units and identify the basic processes that run through them (organizing, managing, financing, governing), including the associated cultural or social context; – define all relevant environmental elements of the organization, their dynamics and influence on strategy and management of the organization; – describe the basic frameworks, theories, models and methods for managing organizations in all phases of their life cycle; – identify the basic principles of creating, maintaining and developing sustainable relationships with all stakeholders (stakeholders); – independently search, sort and interpret economic data; – perform basic mathematical and statistical analysis of economic data; – evaluate strategic, marketing, financial and personal business plans according to pre-established criteria.