March 17, 2016

About Prague


Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is a very lively city and constitutes political, cultural and economic hub of the country and the whole region. The city hosts many artists and musicians every month, either for short stop-overs performances, or for longer stays, such as festivals and music competitions.

During summer time, there are often three or more festivals on the same weekend and locals as well as expats can enjoy the wonderful pulse of the city.
In winter months, you can enjoy traditional Christmas markets with wide selections of delicacies to taste and pefromances to explore.
The only difficulty may be to choose the kind of fun you want to have as there are so many opportunities.

If you prefer partying, the famous four-floor music club near Charles Bridge is a prime venue. If you are more into jazz, you can enjoy live concerts twice a week. If you love classical music, there are operas and concerts performed daily.

Prague’s central location, at the crossroads between Eastern and Western Europe, offers a fascinating blend of cultures, and a broad offer of social activities, including Latin American markets, Polish days, Roma dance festival, and many more.

Prague is the central hub of Central European economy which greatly contributes to the impressive growth of Czech economy (fastest in the EU in 2015). There are many multinational companies headquartered in Prague meaning that job and internship opporutnities are also immense.

Whatever your preferences – Prague has it all!

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50 theaters

56 cinemas

268 museums

170 galleries

135 music halls

577 clubs and bars

1/5 of the total area of Prague consists of parks

Must see in Prague…

…According to the Guinness Book of Records, Prague is the proud owner of the largest castle in the world!

Charles Square is one of the largest squares in the world and was the largest town square in medieval Europe!

The Old Town Astronomical Clock, also known as the Orloj, is probably the best preserved medieval astronomical clock in the world. It was installed on the tower of the Old Town Hall in 1410.

Charles Bridge, is definitely the oldest and most famous Prague bridge. It is also one of the most visited and popular historic sights in Prague. The bridge is named after its founder – Czech king and Roman emperor Charles IV.  Construction started in 1357 and there is a legend that, when the bridge was being constructed, raw eggs were mixed into the mortar to strengthen the structure. All in all, the bridge connecting the Old Town and the Lesser Quarter (Mala Strana) is over 600 m long, 10 m wide and is decorated by 30 unique baroque statues. The bridge is protected on both sides by the “bridge towers” – two of them on the Lesser Quarter side and the third one on the Old Town side.


Charles Bridge

Golden Lane

Golden Lane



Astrology and alchemy were regarded as mainstream scientific fields in Early Renaissance Prague, and Emperor Rudolf II (1552 – 1612) was a firm devotee of both. His lifelong quest was to find the Philosopher’s Stone. Rudolf II spared no expense in bringing Europe’s best alchemists to his court. The famous English alchemist John Dee and his medium, Edward Kelly, also visited his court. When Rudolf II was a prince, Nostradamus prepared a horoscope for him. Rudolf II gave Prague a reputation as a magical town, and this is still reflected in Alchemists’ Alley, which is
situated on the premises of Prague Castle. Rudolf II is also mentioned in connection with the ancient legend of the Prague Golem (a sort of homunculus or manlike monster, made of dry clay and brought to life by magic). Don´t miss out on the Golden Line and the Jewish Quarter tours, also filled with their own legends.

Vyšehrad, the rock above the river with its dark outline. The traditions of this mysterious site are connected with ancient Czech legends. These tell of  Princess Libuše, who foresaw the future glory of Prague from her seat at Vyšehrad. She sent a delegation to seek out Přemysl the Ploughman, founder of the ruling dynasty.

The Strahov Monastery Brewery is located close to Prague Castle in the building of the Strahov Monastery, which was founded by King Vladislav II in 1142. The first documentation on the brewery comes from the 13th century.

The Municipal House is one of the best examples of Art Nouveau architecture in Prague. It was on the site of the former Royal Court Palace, and was opened in 1912. The historic proclamation of the independent state of Czechoslovakia, on the 28th October 1918, took place here.

TV Tower – The television tower is interesting from a technical point of view, but at the same time this is a controversial structure. The best idea is to see for yourself and enjoy the exclusive views it offers.

Prague’s National theatre and opera house. Enjoy the unforgettable atmosphere. As a student you go to performances for as little as € 6.